In an isolated farmhouse, located in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by a mysterious wooden wall, Zac and Eva, two siblings gifted with extraordinary abilities, endure every day the wrath of their strict father while witnessing how a cruel sickness lurks their beloved mother.
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One & Two (2015)
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Views:26 views
Quality: HD
Year: 2015
Duration: 91 Min
Country:United Kingdom, USA
Director:Andrew Droz Palermo
Cast:Al Julian, Albert Guzman, Alexander Jatto, Brenda K. Moss-Clifton, Chantey Colet, Corey Maher, Cushena Sheree Hill, Ed Pilkington, Elizabeth Reaser, Emily Rayl, Emma Rose Warner, Everett Jones, Grant Bowler, Jalen Leach, Jane Hardin Marsh, Jay Cardell, Jeremy Freeze, John Henry Scott, Julie Haught, Kiernan Shipka, Kyle Bell, Marissa Waltz, Monica Crumpler, Paul Pittenger, Randy Lowe, Rayven Symone Ferrell, Rebecca Koon, Robert Haulbrook, Saia Grayson, Sherry Sparks-Jenkins, Timothée Chalamet, Todd Whittington, Wendy Ahlstrom, Yuliya Sherstyuk, Zachary Dylan Brown