In the year 2022, a ruthless prison warden has created the ultimate solution for his most troublesome and violent inmates: Absolom, a secret jungle island where prisoners are abandoned and left to die. But Marine Captain John Robbins, convicted of murdering a commanding officer, is determined to escape the island in order to reveal the truth behind his murderous actions and clear his name.
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No Escape (1994)
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Views:830 views
Tagline:No Guards. No Walls.
Quality: HD
Year: 1994
Duration: 118 Min
Budget:$ 20.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 15.340.000,00
Director:Martin Campbell
Cast:Axle Gunn, Barry Duffield, Boris Brkic, Brandon Burke, Brian M. Logan, Cheuk-Fai Chan, Chris Hargreaves, Colin Moody, David Argue, David Wenham, Dominic Bianco, Don Henderson, Ernie Hudson, Gordon Waddell, Ian McNeice, Jack Shepherd, James Costas, Justin Monjo, Kevin Dillon, Kevin J. O’Connor, Lance Henriksen, Machs Colombani, Michael Lerner, Ray Liotta, Richard Carter, Ron Vreeken, Russell Kiefel, Scott Lowe, Stan Kouros, Stephen Shanahan, Stuart Wilson, Vic Wilson, Wilfred Woodrow, Xavier Gouault