“Hit A Lick,” tells the tragic story of Falicia Blakely, a teen mom who grows up in the fast-lane. When she becomes an exotic dancer, she attracts the attention of local pimp and predator, Dino. His empty promises of a life together turns Falicia into a pawn in his dangerous games; and she’s forced to prove her love for him at the expense of innocent lives.
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When Love Kills: The Falicia Blakely Story (2017)
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Views:1,044 views
Quality: HD
Year: 2017
Duration: 95 Min
Director:Tasha Smith
Cast:Alan T. Coleman, Alja KaMillion, Big Freedia, Brii Renee’, Chasnie Houston, Christian Robinson, Chrystale Wilson, Don Wallace, Floyd Mayweather Jr., Karon Riley, Kendrick Cross, Lance Gross, Lil’ Zane, Niatia ‘Lil Mama’ Kirkland, Robert Crayton, Shai Renee, Tami Roman, Tiffany Black, Walter Fauntleroy